Colette Baron is a wife, mother, grandmother and wise woman. She has a Ba in Western Herbal Medicine, and has a passion for natural medicine, the energetics of plants, and exploring the well being of people in a holistic manner, taking into account all aspects that make us who we are. Colette is a Herbalist, Reiki practitioner and also dispenses Native Bush Flower Essences. Colette is also passionate of the potential benefits of Nutritional Cannabis and is a consultant for Natural Lore, after completing the training program.
Colette has a deep love of the natural world and a great understanding of community wellness through many of years working in the community sector. She is not a “fixer” but likes to support people to walk their journey to total health and well-being.
Colette has been journeying for many years in search of health and well-being for us all, and our beautiful planet and believes that we each have an innate primal hunger to be in sync with the elements, and it is when we ignore this fundamental part of being human that we encounter dis-ease.
Colette values connection to the earth, our bodies, our spirit, and our creativity.
She believes that when women sit in circle an alchemical magic occurs that is greater than the sum of the parts. We need to return to our traditions and inner knowing now more than ever, to support and strengthen ourselves and each other in these changing times.
Colette also believes in the importance of Rites of Passage and ritual in everyday life, and has performed ceremony and workshops for women moving into the Wise Years. She knows that it is important to embrace and honour the wisdom of the post menopausal age, and wants to support other women to move into their own personal power that comes with aging. It is time to remove the shackles of society and wholeheartedly love ourselves as we are! The time has come for the grandmothers to rise, and lead the way.